Brand-New Rain Garden
A rain garden is a shallow depression containing rocks and plants that can thrive in wet conditions.
A rain garden is a shallow depression containing rocks and plants that can thrive in wet conditions.
Pre-order popular Mums, Tulips, and Daffodils now, to get vibrant color in your landscape this autumn and next spring.
commercial-holiday-decorations-web December 3, 2014Comments: 0 Business Holiday Decorating
Call Quiet Village Landscaping for a free consultation with one of our holiday lighting and decorating experts.
Removing Honeysuckle from Forest Park 02 December 3, 2014Comments: 0 Removing Honeysuckle from Forest Park 02
Each year Unilock hosts the Awards of Excellence, bringing together top landscapers and contractors from across the country to recognize trend-setting landscaping transformations created by landscape designers. Quiet Village was nominated for best use of the U-Cara retaining wall systems by Unilock. The completed project features a tiered wall with stairs, privacy fence, and lighting.
IMG_5281 August 19, 2017Comments: 0
City Leaf Clean-ups around St. Louis are starting for the 2018 season. Find out when yours is scheduled here!
Autumn is here, which means pumpkin spiced-everything and the naturally beautiful shades of orange, red, yellow and browns to come through in our plantings and trees.
IMG_5279 August 19, 2017Comments: 0