New Spring Service! Lawn Care Plus+


Our new Lawn Care Plus+ Program consists of everything you need to promote a healthy, green lawn all season long! 

For one flat monthly rate, uniquely customized to your property, our program includes:

  • 6-Step Fertilization & Weed Control
  • Fall Aeration
  • Over-Seeding
  • Nutsedge Treatments
  • Lawn Analysis by our Turfgrass Professionals
  • Plus, we have Organic Options Available

Lawn Care Plus+ is developedbest lawn care st. louis quiet village around recommendations and best practices of the University of Missouri’s Turf Research.

This new program takes all-inclusive care of your lawn from March through November, so now is the time to sign-up to receive the full benefits to maintaining your healthy outdoor space.

If your interested in learning more, or scheduling your service for 2016, please give us a call at (314) 657-7050.